On October 25th, Valencia College faculty received a concerning email from college president, Dr. Kathleen Plinkse, stating the New Student Experience (SLS 2940) and Social Problems (SYG 2010) courses were to be promptly removed from the school’s general education curriculum.
New Student Experience, a class that has seen enrollment of over 10,000 students in this fall semester alone, is currently included in the school’s general education requirements. The course helps students through their collegiate experience by highlighting financial and academic resources, instructing on setting personal and professional goals and assisting in planning degree pathways.
However, those courses have now come under scrutiny as a result of Senate Bill 266 (SB 266) passed by the Florida legislature in 2023.
SB 266 is an inherently out-of-touch attempt to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion from higher education and instead prioritizes a “neoclassical education focused on Western European civilizations.” The bill seeks to regulate public college spending and punish institutions who offer gender and racial studies.
The bill is a part of a larger effort from Gov. Ron DeSantis and other conservatives, including recently appointed New College of Florida Board of Trustee member, Christopher Rufo (a former visiting fellow at the conservative, Heritage Foundation, and vocal opponent of DEI), to remove “woke” ideas from Florida colleges.
SB 266 and other restrictive education bills and their effects have been felt throughout Florida’s public education at various levels including K-12 education. House Bill 1557 for example, infamously referred to as the “Don’t Say Gay Law”, prohibits the full teaching of Advanced Placement Psychology, due to its explorations of human sexuality and gender. This places additional financial burdens on high school students by taking away the chance to reduce potential tuition costs through earning college credit in high school via AP exams – in this case the AP Psychology exam.
Gainesville’s Santa Fe College, an institution in the same system as Valencia, has similarly removed over 50 courses from their general education offerings with even more under review according to article out in November from reporter Timothy Wang of The Independent Florida Alligator.
In the case of Valencia, New Student Experience and Social Problems combined (including honors variations of the courses) held over 20,000 seats for students at Valencia. With the removal of these courses from the general education curriculum, seats in these classes are expected to drop significantly.
“At any other institution, you might imagine students can just take other courses. One of the challenges that is unique to Valencia is that we are experiencing our highest enrollment ever. Overall, if you look at all of our courses, in all modalities, our fill rate is 89%. There are no other seats for students to move into,” Dr. Kathleen Plinske shared during the November 18 Board of Trustee meeting.
However, this is not the only challenge facing Valencia. Many courses throughout the institution are taught by part-time faculty, many of whom have worked at the college for years. New Student Experience in particular, is uniquely staffed by over 80% part-time faculty.
Valencia’s Faculty Association President, Chris Borglum, shared the concerning reality of the situation regarding the future of faculty who teach New Student Experience.
“I was heartbroken that about 18 of my colleagues, many of whom are personal friends, are not going to be able to continue their careers at Valencia because there’s not going to be SLS offered, so we can’t continue their contracts. I don’t know that we gave enough attention to the human cost of this,” Borglum explained.
Despite collaborative work by faculty and administration last spring to review courses potentially in the line of fire from the state as a result of SB 266, New Student Experience (SLS2940) and Social Problems (SYS2010) were both approved by the Board of Trustees, and then ultimately rejected by the state on October 18. As a result, Valencia College has had to hustle to complete an overhaul of the school’s general education courses within a short three-week deadline.
To offer new seats in the Fall 2025 semester and continuing forward, Valencia has now conditionally approved new course offerings including multiple foreign language and introductory courses in business, film, and microeconomics to make up for the loss of New Student Experience and Social Problems. Some of these courses continuing forward would be used to satisfy Gordon Rule writing requirements for students.
However, many of these courses come at the expense of faculty who could now see larger class sizes and for students, many of whom value Valencia’s small class sizes and diverse modality offerings.
Going forward, it is hard to imagine that Florida and its leaders have the best interest of students and educators at the center of policy. It is no exaggeration to believe that politicians like Gov. DeSantis and their ideological war with academic institutions threatens academic freedom.
And on a national level, with President-Elect Trump’s plan to dismantle the Department of Education and his recent pick of retired wrestling performer and founder of sports entertainment company Titan Sports, Inc., Linda McMahon (with notably zero experience in a classroom setting) to lead that cabinet spot, the future of public education in America is concernedly uncertain at the expense of students and educators.
Honest Comments • Jan 15, 2025 at 9:46 am
This is such a great move on behalf of our leaders. SLS should be a virtual computer-based training course, not a paid course that goes towards credit hours. Let’s get back to the basics. These classes are watering down our education and people do not want to pay for them. Stop complaining in your opinion piece and propose solutions. Society is onboard with this change.
Olivia Lofaso • Jan 17, 2025 at 9:14 pm
“Watering down our education” and they’re classes that are important for students (many Valencia students who are first time college students) to learn about financial and academic resources available to them in an often foreign environment. What is your proposed solution to dozens of staff that will be out of a job because Valencia cannot renew their contract?
Drea • Feb 4, 2025 at 1:31 pm
I took Social Problems twenty years ago at a different college . It was invaluable. I learned so much. While SLS I can see being a training course- the loss of Social Problems is terrible. People can’t fix society if we don’t know what needs to be fixed. It was a straightforward class that backed up every claim of social-wide injustice with numerical facts. Facts and numbers aren’t “woke”- they are just reality. Ask yourself why they don’t want us to know the numbers of people in poverty, the numbers of people facing elder abuse, the gender and racial breakdown of poverty and state -as well as interpersonal- violence globally, the numbers of children facing starvation and preventable disease globally… Could it be because if we know we might not be okay with how the world is stratified. And if we aren’t okay with it we might try to fix it? Who’s power would be threatened if we banded together to do that?
Robbing a people of education ensures the unenlightened masses remain passive.
J W • Jan 8, 2025 at 10:49 am
This is upsetting to me as a new college student. I took New Student Experience as one of my first two classes in my first semester, and it helped me discover my degree pathway. In that class, I also mapped my entire academic career beyond my A.A. degree. To say I highly recommend this class is an understatement because of the impact it had on my first semester. This is ridiculous!!
Adrienne Mathews • Jan 7, 2025 at 7:45 pm
Excellent reporting, Olivia! It is unfortunate that students will not have the option to take social problems as part of their gen ed as it was a very popular course.
Raquel Ferreyra • Jan 3, 2025 at 4:01 pm
What’s going to happen to students who have taken the new experience classes and are to graduate this Spring Semester 2025?
Lindaliz Torres • Dec 29, 2024 at 12:38 pm
It is deeply troubling and upsetting to hear such news. The thought of having to constantly worry about the quality and stability of my children’s education is simply unimaginable. As a parent, their future and development are my top priorities, and the uncertainty surrounding their learning environment weighs heavily on my mind. I want them to thrive and have the best opportunities, but these concerns make it challenging to feel secure about their educational journey.
teresa anderson • Dec 26, 2024 at 8:44 pm
I am a current student at Valencia. I raised 3 children as a single parent, and had no time to devote to my own education. However, at the age of 52, I was able to enroll in Valencia and begin that journey. I am in my last semester and cannot tell you how happy this opportunity has made me. None of this would have been possible without the guidance I received from the staff at Valencia! When I think of what the future holds for academia, and for all who strive to better their lives through collegiate studies, I die a little inside. The hope that the future has always promised if one worked hard and put in the effort to achieve their goals and graduate will most certainly forever be tainted. Politics is always a touchy subject, of course it is, when we consider what is at stake and that is money and power. We know that money and power have been fought over for centuries, but now education is being used as a tool to gain both power and money, and it is just not acceptable! We are in for an uphill battle, but if we use the education that we have been blessed enough to receive, and throw in a little bit of old fashioned perseverance, grit, and integrity…we might just overcome!
Ralph Astarita • Dec 13, 2024 at 12:02 pm
Go Governor DeSantis! Finally we have leadership who will make good moral choices and get the “Liberal-Woke Agenda’s” out of our Colleges! School is no place for “brainwashing” our youth with talk of transgender acceptance (hogwash) or any of the other (multitudes) of idiotic woke ideas. Wake up people!
Colleges keeps saying “diversity and inclusion” is being nixed…what a grand LIE they tell. Everyone is welcome to an education…we (smart, mature and reasonable people) just want an education to be what that means…you learn all you need to enter the work-force and be a productive and happy human being…”Education” does not mean injecting your political and social ideas into young and impressionable minds.
The age of truth and enlightenment are here. Be kind. Be generous. But be strong and stop thinking that it’s bad to tell a group of people (very small fraction of our population) that they are wrong…because they are. They are letting men beat the crap out of woman in college sports because these men say that they are women! What a joke! Get them all out! Get them out of our colleges!!!!
Go DeSantis! Go Trump!
Alexander Mew • Jan 28, 2025 at 10:38 am
There are only about 40 transgender athletes competing in sports as of writing this comment. Most of the trans athletes were allowed by their teams to compete along side them. The only people complaining are conservatives. Who cares? Also, DEI is being ‘nixed’ and current President Donald Trump has repealed the 1965 Equal Employment Opportunity Act as a result. Look this up, if you do not believe me.
By the way, transgender people have been around throughout history for generations. Conversion therapy hasn’t worked in the past and 80% of those who undergo gender-affirming care are extremely satisfied. It is their business and the only people I see majorly focusing on transgender issues is conservatives, who have been brainwashed into believing that 1% of the population is the problem. I have had many trans and LGBT friends growing up, and yet I don’t feel like I want to be anything but my originally assigned gender.
Have fun in your fascist reality. Get out of our college.
Thomas Snyder • Dec 9, 2024 at 5:48 pm
i am a 55-year-old returning student and was required to take this course in the fall semester that just passed. I honestly found the course to be an easy way to pad your G.P.A., and didn’t find any other value in it. The New Student class took valuable time away from my other much more difficult and important classes. I know what my purpose is and I do not believe a 50-question multiple choice survey is going to tell me what it really is. Most of the assignments were covered in other required courses. I was honestly aggravated with all of the effort it took to complete the course. The assignments were not so much as challenging but as I have stated a waste of my time.
As far as the bill that was passed in 2023 you had more than three weeks to prepare for this. I can’t see how the removal of this class will impact students as a financial burden when it should be taught in highschoo to begin with. It appears that it is more of a financial loss to the instution because 10,000 students a semester generates a lot of income, 20,000 with the combined couse. That is a big loss. I hope the best for the staff that this has impacted. I was told that the class will be reconfigured and offered as an elective which it should be.
I do want to aknowledge my professor for this class as outstanding. I did enjoy the way it was taught by her.
This is just my opinion and I hope it is not found offensive as I truely didn’t want it to be inturpeted that way.
Thank you