For the second annual “Beautiful and Bold Women’s Panel”, African American Cultural Society Club President Tyrece Leger spoke with reporters Melanie Moreno and Sarah Caballero on selection of panelists, purpose and goals for the March 27 event. Partnering with Active Minds, both clubs selected speakers for their diverse backgrounds. The event will be held from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m.
“Beautiful and Bold” was created by the African American Cultural Society, or A2CS, to “inspire and empower the women of the Valencia student body.” The panel also hopes to educate men on important topics. This year, A2CS and Active Minds will be bringing in nine panelists from different areas of the community including Orange County Clerk Tiffany Russell. Leger also hinted at the possibility of East and Lake Nona Campus Provost Dr. Sobia Khan as being a guest speaker.
Club delegates and panel moderators will present questions to include how social media can motivate and empower women today as well as how to use it to break stereotypes. Students will also be able to ask questions.

Leger says the panel is aimed at everyone. “It doesnt matter what your race is, doesn’t matter how old you are, doesn’t matter what skin color you are; I want it to be for everybody. It is to target; inspire everybody.”
Leger also talked about the role as president with educating the school body and community on African American culture, helping nonprofit organizations and events. A2CS participates in a number of community events. As a second year for the “Beautiful and Bold” panel, Leger explains he’s excited for the growth and what opportunities spaces like this offers fellow students.
“‘Beautiful and Bold‘ had a great story from the beginning,” says Leger.
For more information on the host clubs for “Beautiful and Bold Women’s Panel” on March 27 and to RSVP, you can connect with club organizers on Instagram at and @a2cseast or visit Valencia’s Engage events.