Hurricane season can trigger anxiety and panic for students, especially those who aren’t “Florida Grown”. Last-minute preparations can be extremely counter-productive as most shelves are bare leading up to the days of a storm. Students should plan ahead and here’s a few tips to do so without breaking the bank.

First, research your area. FEMA is an excellent resource to access flood maps to see if your home is considered a flooded area. If your area is in fact a flood zone, it’s necessary to get sandbags to place around entryways to avoid damage to your home. Students can find a list of places to get sandbags in Orlando on the Orange County Florida website.
Next, let’s target necessities such as food, water, and light. Ideally, a generator that can be purchased at a local Walmart or hardware store would be most helpful in the event power is lost. Realistically, most students cannot afford a generator or cannot use one because of their domicile. It’s ok to take it back to the times of candles and lanterns. Check your local Dollar Tree for emergency candles and most Dollar General or Family Dollar have lanterns for as little as $8.
Flashlights are also a great way to have mobile lighting throughout the home. This can also be found at most dollar stores for as low as $5. Don’t forget the batteries!

(Flikr user “Creative Tools” Creative Tools CC 2.0)
Food and water are the first items off the shelves when a hurricane is looming. For snacks and non-perishables, your local Aldi is a great place to shop without hurting the pockets. Be mindful to grab foods that aren’t going to require refrigeration or a microwave if power is lost. Aldi is also a great place to grab a few cases of bottled water.
Water can be a little bit tricky to get. This is where planning ahead really comes into play. Any local Publix store is a good stop for water. There’s typically a BOGO, or buy-one-get-one, sale on bottled water. Get it while you can. At the same time, be considerate to the needs of others and do not hoard.
One thing many people seem to forget about is the importance of making sure all electronic devices are charged up. It doesn’t hurt to check Amazon for a portable charger or power bank. These can also be found at Five Below, Ross, and even DD’s Discount at a more affordable price. Games, arts & crafts, and other entertainment can be purchased at these locations as well, which will give students and their families an ideal way to pass the time and wait out the storm.
Other hurricane preparations include boarding up windows, securing any patio plants and furniture, and be sure to park vehicles in safe places away from trees and other debris. Another trick is to purchase a cooler at your local Walmart or dollar store. Fill up empty tupperwares with tap water and freeze. Do this in the event you lose power and have items like milk, cold cuts, etc. It’s a great way to keep your refrigerated items cool.
According to the National Hurricane Center, Tropical Storm Lee has strengthened to a major Hurricane as of 5 p.m. on September 7 with winds currently at 130 mph. The projected path is set to head through the Carribeans, hitting Puerto Rico and the Bahamas by this weekend and into early next week. This means there’s a likelihood that the path will continue straight to Florida by next week.
If that’s not enough to make sure you are prepared, Tropical Storm Margot isn’t too far behind Hurricane Lee. However, there hasn’t been any updates as to the path of TS Margot or if it will hit Florida.
As parts of Florida continue to recover from Hurricane Idalia which made landfall in Florida last month, it is important for Florida residents to brace themselves for what may come in the following week. Florida students are urged to be aware that Hurricane season lasts until November. Early preparation is always necessary and students are encouraged to be safe at all times. Stay off of the roads and stay tuned with Valencia Voice and your local news station for continued updates.