Breaking: Former President Trump Arrested in Miami, Pleads Not Guilty
June 13, 2023

Today, former President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty at the federal courthouse in Miami after being indicted on 37 federal charges for mishandling classified documents.
Classified documents from his time during his presidency were allegedly mishandled and kept in August 2022 at Trump’s home in Mar-A-Lago, Florida. He is currently facing 34 felony charges in New York for the “Hush Money” case, including falsifying business records, in addition to the investigation of the January 6 riots at Capitol Hill.
The indictments have no effect on Trump’s decision to continue to run for president in the 2024 election. Trump has previously released a statement claiming all charges to be “election interference.” There’s no evidence that supports such a claim. He continued to allege these attempts, including the attempted impeachments during his term, are all tactics as a continued plot against him and his “Make America Great Again” campaign.
Trump maintains his innocence, stating during his indictment of the hush money case in March, “This witch hunt will backfire massively.” If found guilty of the charges in any of the federal cases, or any charges from the January 6 investigation, Trump could be looking at a lengthy sentence in federal prison.
Do you believe Donald J. Trump is guilty or innocent?
Rubia • Aug 14, 2023 at 4:42 pm
08/14/2023 – 4:38 PM – checked Google and various social medias and different other outlets and there is NOT one mention of this headline. Absolutely no mention whatsoever of this allegedly arrest.
Jennifer Mitchell • Jul 8, 2023 at 2:50 pm
I am taking a huge risk in voicing my opinions as a student.With recent laws passed attacking the education system by DeSantis. I realize anything I say will be transparent and yet I refuse to stay silent and allow fear tactics to suppress the truth when what we are really talking about here is fascism on the rise. First and foremost, Trump is guilty of treason for inciting a coup. I watched the coup unfold live on T.V. and was aware that he planned to claim the election was stolen or rigged prior to the election. None of this was a surprise. Then he pushed a supreme court judge seat through 11 days before the election. I watched the other overwhelming evidence against him and the rest of those who are just as guilty during the January 6 hearings. He is dangerous. Not only is he dangerous, but all those who participated in his administration are equally guilty and dangerous. To have them vote on whether or not to impeach him was an obstruction of justice. If they had admitted to his guilt, they are admitting to their own. Some of which are still in office. If he is convicted, the agenda will just be passed to DeSantis. I believe what we are dealing with was completely predictable. It is like watching a play-by-play book on how to pull off a Fascist takeover. The insurrection was a dry run. Now that they saw what they can get away with, these same people have continued to change laws at the state level as well as the Federal level. They are running within. These people will succeed in one way or another with this neo-fascist GOP. It is an illegitimate party as far as I am concerned. The religious right had plotted since the late 1970s with the “Moral Majority” who outlined their agenda which was to overturn Roe Vs. Wade, while undoing all that had been achieved by the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Movement, and Gay Rights Movement. What you see happening is the exact same, it has just been repackaged for the next generation who does not remember the 1980s. Even though those who had power during that era were really Zionists, used political power in an attempt to support Israel to bring about certain things they interpret as end times and events to usher in the second coming of Christ, and this made up rapture. They intentionally set out to take over the Republican party and build it up by mobilizing the silent majority by manipulating the evangelical vote. Publically the Moral Majority was disbanded as an organization under that name. However, Jerry Falwell’s son and Billy Graham’s Son funded and campaigned to get Trump and Mike Pence elected. Then placed religious leaders as advisors all around him in an attempt to influence him while in office. Then we have a religious cult that set out to raise up the “Joshua Generation” with the intention to infiltrate every level of political power to take the nation and the world over for Jesus with their version of Biblical morality. Watch the documentary “Shiny Happy People”. In reality, these religious cult leaders put out booklets and held seminars at all of the mega-churches across America and had a huge influence on perpetuating this same agenda as the Moral majority back in the late 70′ and 80-‘s. They are using religion to cultivate fear and manipulate their congregations with “end times” prophecies of an upcoming apocalypse. They have convinced over half of the population that the Democrats are anti-Christ, run sex trafficking rings, sacrifice babies, and that vaccines are the mark of the beast. Then they tell them who God has raised up for such a time as this. They just align their Christian Nationalist worldview with the agenda of the large corporations, while these church leaders are pocketing large sums of money while promising “the children of God” that there will be a huge transference of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. They tell them they are setting up God’s Kingdom. This is high-level cult brainwashing going on and very few people are addressing this aspect of what is behind the culture wars and polarization. This is not just a blue and red division. It is those who think the anti-Christ is here and that America is Mystery Babylon and they are spreading religious Propaganda and misinformation. This is a huge part of their ability to gain numbers by spreading their conspiracy theories. This faction of the Christian religion is all about manifest destiny, prosperity gospel, and replacement theology, and a less than 100 yr old rapture theory. What is happening is both Orwellian and a setup for something similar to Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale.” All that is missing is a nuclear exchange, but it seems we may end up having that at some point in the near future. With the war in Ukraine amping up, and GOP using red scare tactics used in the cold war era, along with Putin’s threats of nuclear war, we very well may have that nuclear exchange. People need to wake up to what is really going on and trace the money and dig a little deeper into who these people are and who they are connected to. Then go back and look at the patterns of history and compare them to the current patterns unfolding. This is a repeat. Have we learned nothing from our past?
Treason should be at the top of the list of charges against Trump as well as the people who pushed him to the top many of which are now backing DeSantis as well as pushing Robert Kennedy Jr. from the other end, so no matter which puppet is “chosen” by the people their agenda continues. When political polarization is this extreme, it is easier to distract the population from seeing who the real enemy is. All of this could have been avoided if corporations were not allowed to buy politicians to do their bidding and we limited their ability to fund them with dark money. As for the documents that Trump had at home, he was caught on tape admitting to having the high-security documents and sharing them with people. The evidence against him is overwhelming.