Halloween Concert with the Symphonic and Jazz Band On October 27
October 26, 2022

The Valencia College Symphonic and Jazz Band will perform on Thursday, October 27 at 11:30 a.m. This free Halloween concert will feature student musicians at the green space and outdoor mall in front of Building 5 on the Valencia College’s East Campus. Students can hear and see the band play Halloween-themed songs. It will be an opportunity for them to divert their minds.
Valencia College Professor of Music, Jon Territo, explains how he challenges music students, saying, “It is important for me as a professor to give students literature this challenging, but also literature that they can apply the ideas of that literature to other stuff,” Professor Territo said. Territo says, “We are going to play some light-hearted tunes, we are going to play some hero themes, some movie themes as one of them is Star Trek, another one that we have a piece from the Wonder Woman’s “1984”, which is a real heroic piece. And another piece from the movie “Magnificent Seven’”. In addition to the Halloween music concert, Valencia’s Arts and Entertainment has a wide variety of performances and shows for students and the community to enjoy. The college’s events provide students with an excellent opportunity to discover its diverse range of programs.
The Box Office Manager at Valencia College East Campus at Performing Arts Center, Jennifer Thibodeau, says, “These events give the students a chance to perform. The music students, they do rehearse, give these concerts for free to everyone, and with that, more people have a chance to access the Performing Arts Center and see that within Valencia College exist many different options of music programs.”
Valencia College East Campus Performing Arts Center is a space where dance, music, and art are always present. There is an amazing collection of pieces throughout the halls and a huge theater. It offers a lot for people who have the desire to study art. Rob McCaffrey, Interim Dean, School of Art/Ent, Graphics Tech EAC, says, “The School of Arts and Entertainment presents arts season every year, and those are dance, music, and theatre performances. It is the way that the students in those programs are demonstrating what they have learned. And then, in addition to the performers, there are students learning how to run video cameras, or how to do microphones and audio”.
Music for many people is something necessary to be happy and a way to express emotions. Therefore, a very interesting question for the musicians belonging to the Symphonic and Jazz bands, is ‘what is music for you?’ Miriam Soto, 19, a student at Valencia College, Music Education, says, “Music to me, it has been around my life for years and years since I was a kid, now that I am studying it more and trying to get into a career based on teaching and performing, it means the world to me.”
That is music. Music is to express and feel the emotion that can cause the melody that is heard, and for many it means everything. Be sure to visit the mall on October 27 at Valencia East Campus at 11:30 a.m. to tap into your emotions at the Halloween Symphonic and Jazz Band Concert.