Valencia’s Immortal Comedic Goddess

April 2, 2018
One student stole the spotlight at Open Mic Night on Valencia East Campus. Her personal poetry reading along with some stand-up comedy displayed her diverse spectrum of talent.
Dawn Millings, a 23-year-old who is a cinema studies major at Valencia Colleges East Campus, read three poems she wrote herself to show the audience that even though she can make people laugh, there’s more depth to her personality besides comedy. All her poems stem from a period when Millings was depressed and going through self-hate.
The three poems discussed how she viewed herself. They were rooted in insecurity, self-doubt, and curiosity to eventually form something expressive. She pointed out that she’s seen as a joke (in the comedic way). The reason she decided to read some of her poetry was a way to show people that she is also a human being.
Due to several other readers who didn’t show up for their slot, Millings offered to go back on stage for a second time to fill the gap with some stand-up comedy about her personal life. The crowd appreciated her skillfulness. She even had a fellow student congratulate her on how well her poetry reading went and saying that her stand-up was amazing and so funny.
“I’m an immortal comedic goddess surrounded by serendipity” Millings said. Despite most of her poetry usually being painful, she claimed it was an outlet for her emotions. Instead of letting those feelings out in a physical way, she said she would rather stab her book with a pen and let it bleed ink.
Millings started writing in the first grade. She won “writer of the month” every month of school that year. Issues at home sparked her creativity in writing. Her mother died when Millings was young. She claimed it was probably a cry for help. She credits her mother for the painful experience that helped her express her artistry.
There’s a literary reading this Tuesday at 1 pm on Valencia’s East Campus in building three room 113 featuring authors May Yang and Nancy Chen Long.