Megan Pabian, coordinator of university relations and public affairs, says “It is just good practice to clean out your medicine cabinet at least once a year, so we wanted to offer the community a way to do so.”
As far as being part of such an event, she described it as “completely exciting.”
Prescription drugs have heavily swept across our nation, and UCF took a stand against this epidemic with their event. UCF received around 31 pounds of medicines last October at their first annual take back. This year UCF more than doubled their collection, reaching 67 pounds.
“This greatly encourages us to host a Drug Take Back event more often, maybe more than just once a year,” said Pabian.
“Proper disposal of medications is a necessity in our community; exposure to children can be deadly. We also avoid these supplements getting into the water supply by disposing them properly.”
The event also provides aid to prescription drug abusers.
According to Medline Plus, a government funded website, an estimated 20 percent of people in the U.S. use prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons.
UCF received major support from both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Oviedo Police Department. Pabian says that with such great support they have high hopes of continuing this opportunity to clean out the community.