Not only were there club tables, but there were different activities students could participate in.
Rebecca Ramirez, a first-time mechanical bull rider, shared her feelings about the experience. “It was good, it felt like I signed my life away, but I did it!” Ramirez said. Apart from the mechanical bull, students could also sit down and get caricatures of themselves drawn.
Food and prizes played a big factor in Thursday’s activity. Students were able to go to the different tables and sign up with the club, then receive a raffle ticket. With the raffle tickets, students received food, beads, or even a Mardi Gras hat.
“I volunteered to help out pass out beads and stuff,” said nursing major, Claudine Jean. “I know some of the SGA members, so they let me help out.”
Around noon, candidates for SGA president were able to promote themselves.
“I know what the people want,” said Presidential candidate, Symone Ray. “I like to take charge.” Students were able to ask questions to each of the candidates in order to get a feel for what they were each about. Paola Burgos, secretary of Valencia’s club H.E.R.O, asked what set each apart from the other to be the better candidate.
“I have four years in the military,” said Evan King. “I work better under pressure.”