All Students Are Created Equal
The Office of Students with Disabilities bring holiday cheer all year round with all that they do.
April 25, 2021
There is no ideal or cut-out way of learning that is suitable for every individual because it is impossible to have something general when the world is filled with differences. All students are created equal, and those differences that make them exactly who they are. April is World Autism Month and Valencia College proudly acknowledges every student’s capability of success. According to the Office of Student Disabilities, 1,400 students are registered and receiving help from their services. These services include but are not limited to classroom interpreters for the hearing impaired, extended testing times, and an all-around support group to help students feel empowered in their studies.
Everyone needs a little help on their journey to graduation. The Office of Student Disabilities strives to supply all the necessary resources for the students registered to their office. Mary Asbury, Coordinator for the Office of Student Disabilities (OSD) says, “We empower students to learn how to advocate for themselves, how to ask for what they need to do well in college.” Asbury started with OSD in July 2009 as an academic advisor and was later promoted to coordinator. She says, “The most common accommodation is extended time on exams, especially for students who may take longer to process information. We connect students to resources on campus or online that will promote their success. We also provide academic advising from the point on admission to graduation to transfer to the university.” These are a few ways OSD helps students with autism and other disabilities.
When discussing autism, Asbury references what autism experts say, “If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” In other words, “Each person’s strengths and barriers are unique,” Asbury explains. For instructors who receive letters of accommodations for students, she encourages them to speak with the students and learn about their way of learning and what their barriers are. Then, it’s up to fellow students and staff to help these students to identify their strengths in learning. She encourages others to lead with compassion and “learn from the student what they need to be successful or help them discover their strengths.” It’s a community effort for every student to obtain success.
Adapting to the “new normal” during this pandemic has been taxing for everyone. The Office of Student Disabilities feel students are coping relatively well. A small number of students have been patiently waiting for remote classes to begin, while others are still trying and may be having a hard time. Either way, the determination for success is a strength they possess. There is much excitement for everyone to return to campus and OSD are excited too. When campuses reopen, Asbury and the office “are looking forward to serving our students face to face, or mask to mask.” Every student deserves equal opportunity.
Professor Sharon Sookhai Mahadeo • Aug 4, 2021 at 3:48 pm
I do not agree with the statement that “All students are created equal”.
In fact, with the exception of homozygotic or identical twins, every human is created differently.
This diversity, is what strengthens our gene pool, our families, our communities and our country.
There is a tremendous amount or intelligence, beauty and value in our differences.
What we must do, is respect our differences and harness our individual gifts to improve our collective lives.
“You’re runnin’ out of foolin’ (just a little bit)
And I ain’t lyin’
Find out what it means to me” Otis Redding 1965
Mikerlanne Louiral • May 2, 2021 at 5:21 pm
NO! all student are not equal this school system is racist against immigrant if we are equal why someoNO! all student are not equal this school system is racist against immigrant if we are equal why some of us are paying out of state tuition, after all, we are all students getting the same education this is a way of telling us if you an immigrant you can’t come to school unless you can pay $1400-$1700 dollars just for one class, but my job income is $1800 monthly how do you expect someone working low income to come up with that kind of money I did 4 years of high school I got A’s B’s I pay my taxes and pay my bill like everybody else I have never been arrested never steal never been in a fight. they have been telling apply for financial aid and scholarship I did all of them and they said I have to be a resident I did not choose to come to this country I was 14 when my house collapse on us we did not have anything left so my mom did what she was the best for us I did not have a choice please give us immigrant a choice to go to school so we can get the best education we can get.