Sorry, Not Sorry is a narrative short film directed by Monique Sorgen. The film’s plot is inspired by a poem by William Carlos Williams titled “This Is Just To Say.” In Sorgen’s film, a voiceover reciting the poem is played as the husband writes the verses to his wife, telling her that he had eaten the plums he knew that she had been saving for breakfast. He had become overly frustrated with his insufferable elderly father and acted selfishly.
“Forgive me. They were delicious, so sweet and so cold,” the poem says through the husband, not quite apologizing for eating the fruits.
When the wife discovers that her husband had eaten the plums, she crashes his kit car, an automobile sold as a set of parts to be assembled by the buyer, and the story tumbles on from there.
What I enjoyed the most was the fact that the husband and wife were never communicating in person but through notes. This plays into the theme of miscommunication between couples and the mercurial consequences that might sprout from it.
The ending scene includes the wife finding a final note from her husband saying that he thanked her for what she had done as her final revenge, and that this conclusion was his intention when he decided to eat her plums.
The best words I can use to describe Sorgen’s short are surprising, hilarious, and worthwhile.