New courses and programs to expand the academic catalog for Valencia College’s Fall 2019 Semester were approved by the College Curriculum Committee at East Campus on Wednesday.
The committee, which consists of 30 professors, advisers, and other faculty members, meets once a month to evaluate the introduction of new classes. They also discuss the academic programs for the upcoming semester while considering the time of completion, enrollment, grant availability, and other factors important in the process of earning credit hours.
Dr. Deb Hall represented the Department of Architecture, Engineering, and Technology to integrate higher-level classes in Automated Building Operations and an A.S. in Energy Management and Controls Technology “that will provide practice necessary so when students graduate, they’re ready to rock in the field,” Dr. Hall said.
Summer term will also have new 2000-level classes for yoga and kickboxing. Dr. Tammy Sabourin, a physical education professor, looked forward to higher level recreational courses to contribute to student health and wellness.
The Committee addressed minor course description changes that are essential when explaining the specific outcomes of classes. A Scuba Training course offered during fall semester changed in language to clarify that a certification is not provided, and the course stands solely for training.
Representatives from the Departments of Engineering, Foreign Language, Financial Aid, and many others were present as new associates of science degrees, internships, and certificates were proposed.
Members of the faculty will meet again with the Committee on March 6th on East Campus to discuss the new inputs that would make students’ learning experience valuable.