Valencia Students Voice Their Views on President Trump’s New Immigration Policy
January 31, 2017
Many people around the world continue to protest and riot in response to President Trump’s new immigration order. Last Sunday at Orlando International Airport, three people returned to the U.S from a flight to Dubai and were detained for several hours as suspected immigrants. It was not long before hundreds of people gathered in the airport lobby, screaming and chanting against the policies. Earlier this week, Trump fired Attorney General Sally Yates as she refused to defend the recently introduced immigration rules.
In response to the events sparked by the president’s new order, Valencia College students find themselves strongly opinionated over the topic. Ten students voiced their views and were not afraid to speak their minds about their take on the “ban”. As shown, the majority disagree with it.
POLL QUESTION: “What are your opinions on President Trumps immigration ban?
1.) Aja Hendrix, age 19, freshman
“Initially when I read about it I didn’t understand it because I read that his wife was an immigrant and his mom immigrated from Scotland so it was quite confusing. It’s a really big issue and it’s ripping families apart.”
2.) Robert Storey, age 19, freshman
“I was kinda shocked by it. I get both sides of it but I think it’s kinda ridiculous because I have a lot of friends that have come to this country to seek opportunities and the fact that they can’t come here is crazy because America was built on immigration.”
3.) Derick Nangle, age 20, sophomore
“The immigration ban is just taken way too far. I can understand his look on it but I can’t understand the extremes he’s going to. He’s saying some of the rudest things over media. In my personal view, I rather not get involved. I just don’t pay attention to it and him being that extreme, it just isn’t going to go through anyways.”
4.) Julissa Soler, age 19, freshman
“Well, honestly, I think it’s pretty stupid because America is supposed to be welcoming the guests, not keeping them out of the country. So, it’s not going to happen. I don’t believe what comes out of his mouth. It’s just a load of bullcrap as to what comes out of his mouth.”
5.) Nicolas Lopes, age 20, sophomore
“I don’t like it. I feel like anyone should be able to be here regardless if they are from here or not. It is dumb to kick out hard working people here.”
6.) Adrienne Conde, age 20, freshman
“It’s not fair. I don’t think he knows what he’s doing. I think he’s just doing it out of stupidity because he thinks he’s the best guy out there. With all the money that he has and all that power he thinks he has in his head, that’s what literally is causing all of this.”
7.) Chris Cox, age 18, freshman
“I don’t really get into politics because it is so negative and I’m a really positive person but from what I’m hearing it just sounds really bad. With all this crazy stuff going on, I just try to stay positive but we have a negative person as president.”
8.) Zaus Streete, age 19, sophomore
“There are people that rely on America for opportunity. That’s what we’re known for. America was founded on immigration. Before Columbus, we were just rocks and dirt. We weren’t anything. This wasn’t what our founding fathers had in store. It’s just heartbreaking.”
9.) Pedro Pantoja, age 20, freshman
“For me, I am against it. I have a lot of friends that are Muslim and a lot of friends from Mexico that have worked their butts off. It’s just devastating. I know a lot of people whose families are still in Saudi Arabia and they need to fly over and visit their family.”
10.) Crisella Garcia, age 19, freshman
“I think it is ridiculous because America stands for immigrants and being the melting pot of countries. I’m really upset because of what is happening in Syria. There are so many refugees that should be taken into our care since that is the only thing we can do. The least we could do is accept them into our country. But if the leader of our country isn’t going to be accepting to others of other colors and races, it’s just completely bollocks basically.”
Many states have threatened to file a lawsuit against Trump’s immigration policy. On Monday, Washington state became the first state to file such a lawsuit. It is currently seeking a restraining order to stop enforcement of the “ban”.
Shawn Livermore • Feb 3, 2017 at 2:44 pm
First of all, Obama started the ban. He actually chose these countries as possible terror threats. Americans that go back and forth to these countries need to be investigated to make sure they are not TERRORISTS. What our President is doing is protecting the American people from TERRORISTS. Remember Pulse? 49 people shot and killed. The Muslim shooter had been traveling outside the U.S. planning the shooting with his wife. Obama did this ban before, but it never made the news. There were no protests at all.