Campus club helping enstill wellness in students

Danny Morales / Valencia Voice
Zia Ansari and the Wellness Ambassadors are currently handing out bookmarks as part of the social dimension.
February 21, 2014
Are you looking to achieve a healthier lifestyle? The Wellness Ambassadors at Valencia College are here to help.
Located on the West Campus in Room 3-147, they are a division of Student Development, and offer an array of services to students to help them achieve a healthier life.
The Wellness Ambassadors are an on campus organization designed to “inform all students about techniques and procedures of attaining a healthy lifestyle,” says Ambassador Anssar Tamli.
“All students are members and we have four ambassadors, and I’m one of the four, and its my job to make sure I relay the information that I’ve taught to students and to ensure that they’re living a healthy lifestyle.” as stated by Tamli.
The organization’s logo is a number seven which is derived from the “Seven Dimensions of Wellness” which incorporate the seven aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. Every month highlights a different dimension and February deals with “social wellness” which is the ability to relate to, and connect with other people.
Wellness Ambassadors are also highly involved in sexual education, “we have all sorts of events in regards to healthy sex 101. We had a Sex Ed boot camp a few weeks ago, that was a big hit for a lot of students, we also give out free condoms.” said Tamli. Though the free condoms are only available at Wellness Ambassador sponsored events through Adviser Zia Ansari.
“We do all sorts of things from H.I.V. testing to nature walks around Lake Pamela, so we try to reach out to the students to make sure they’re stress free.” said Tamli, who added that the organization sets up “stress relief events every year before finals.
“The next event that the Wellness Ambassadors are sponsoring is the Community Fair event on Feb. 25 which will be located in the Health Services building on West Campus. Ambassadors will be “giving away stress balls, portable ashtrays and a bunch of other things… We make sure to give out things to students to catch their attention.”