With the average college lifestyle being one filled with anxiety from every direction, whether it be family, friends, or work, the only time students can truly guarantee themselves a set amount of time to honestly get any of their numerous amounts of assignments or school work out of the way is when they arrive at Valencia’s campus.
But in the modern world where anyone can get connected virtually anywhere at any time, shouldn’t it simply be assumed that our school’s Internet be as active and quick as our daily schedules seem to be?
In the wake of recent Internet speed testing results gathered from West Campus’ wireless areas, it has become evident that in a majority of Wi-Fi spots around campus the networks used by many laptops is considered slow by almost every standard around the country.
Unknown to most students though is that with a simple stroll to to a few key locations around school are places where the Internet speed is top notch and working online is a simple and fast process.
The real question about these locations is why hasn’t anyone mentioned them before?
So much of the Internet at school is comparatively slow and for many students who have no business in other parts of the campus it seems unfair to to think that their tuition and numerous other class fees are paying for services of which they aren’t truly receiving the benefit.
More frustrating than that is the fact that the services used to provide our campus access is exactly the same in all areas and the only differences between the widely used slow Internet and the hidden fast Internet is that they are on two different networks.
Realistically speaking, there is no real reason for web access to be on two completely networks for students on the same campus. Factor in that one of the two is substantially slower than the other, and that same Internet is the one primarily used by students writing papers, taking tests, completing courses and working toward their major.
The issue might not seem to be one of huge consequence, but to think that there are many students working to provide themselves an education and that their money, which should go toward all the services needed to offer that education, obviously isn’t going as far as it should.
While the process of getting onto the network might be easy enough for students, the speed at which the Internet runs can be an annoyance making it simple tasks difficult and in some cases impossible to do in a timely manner.
For all the funds that are accrued from enrollment and tuition payments, it would only make sense that some of that money could be used to keep the Wi-Fi at an efficient consistent level for use by students. After all, they are paying for it. Perhaps now is the time for them to make their return.